FORMOSA project
Development of innovative FunctiOnal aiRcraft MOveable SurfAces
The present project is addressed in the framework of CleanSky 2 Fast Rotorcraft (FRC) IADP. In this context, the Next-Generation Civil Tiltrotor (NGCTR) demonstrator will be dedicated to the design, construction and flying of an innovative Civil Tiltrotor technology demonstrator, the configuration of which will go beyond current architectures for this type of aircraft. Indeed, demonstration activities planned in this framework will be aimed to show significant improvement with respect to current tiltrotors’ state-of-the-art. In particular, this novel tiltrotor configuration will host a peculiar wing that includes several movable surfaces controlled by complex kinematics mechanisms that will be flight tested in the framework of Clean Sky 2. The wing design was conceived to assign a specific function for each movable surface. An inner large flaperon was conceived for download reduction (flap role) while an external flaperon was conceived for roll control as well as for download reduction. The design of the future NGCTR will encourage an innovative solution for the wing movable surfaces able to incorporate multiple functions (download alleviation, flap, aileron) thus reducing the complexity of the actuation system.